Monday, October 8, 2007

Farm Lessons Galleries


BDSP Banque de données Santè publique : edito da l'Ecole nationale de la santè publique, Rennes (France)Banca dati bibliografica francese sulla Sanità pubblica, nata per rispondere ai bisogni di tutti gli operatori (medici, ricercatori, infermieri, responsabili della Sanità, informatori medici, studenti, ecc.). Contiene oltre 220.000 referenze bibliografiche prodotte in Francia e all'estero dal 1978 con aggiornamenti di oltre 2000 nuove referenze bibliografiche. Integra la ricerca in PubMed. Aggionamento mensile, copertura dal 1978.

Catalogue of Italian Periodicals : ACNP - The catalog has its origin from 'Collective National Archive of Serials (ACNP) and was born in the 70s for the initiative of' ISRDS-CNR . The catalog contains bibliographic descriptions of periodicals held by libraries located throughout the country and covers all subject areas. The libraries of the University of Bologna joined in 1981.
CIB : Inter-Library Center-University of Bologna

The Cochrane Collaboration

Centro Cochrane Italiano: i l Centro Cochrane Italiano (CCI) è nato nel 1994 con lo scopo di promuovere in Italia e Paesi limitrofi le attività della Cochrane Collaboration (CC). Il CCI condivide le finalità generali della CC e insieme agli altri 12 centri Cochrane attualmente esistenti nel mondo (3 negli USA e uno ciascuno in Australia, Brasile, Canada, Cina, Inghilterra, Danimarca, Germania, Olanda, Spagna e Sud Africa), opera per portare a conoscenza di tutti gli operatori sanitari le attività della CC. In questo contesto il CCI offre assistenza tecnica e metodologica agli operatori sanitari Italian Cochrane groups that collaborate with international and organizes short courses and workshops on methods of systematic reviews.

Centre of Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) : Information produced by the staff of the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, New YorkDatabase that allows access to the structured abstracts of systematic reviews published in leading medical journals. The qualitative analysis is made by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of New York. Monthly update.

Centres for Health Evidence


Medline Plus: Developed by NLM, to assist PubMed , originally designed for the consumer, may be considered an excellent starting point on the Internet for the nurses. In addition to guided search PubMed, collects a rich list of medical resources available on the Internet for classified area and for medical illness. The links relate to the treatments, medical organizations, In clinical trials and other practical information relating to the disease.

NOAH: the site of New York Online Access to Health (NOAH) is one of the most comprehensive catalogs of medical resources on the Internet. It collects links to resources classified by type of disease within each category links relate to sites that offer general information about the disease, prevention and care.

P : Italian Journal of Psychiatry .

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ROL - Review de Enfermería Spain


PLoS - The Public Library of Science: is a non-profit organization based in San Francisco. Founded by a group of researchers in 2000, aims to promote and allow free access to primary research literature with the publication of ideas, discoveries and results of scientific research in life science and medicine and make them free and without restrictions available online. PloS, supported by over 30,000 researchers around the world and with financial support of charitable trusts and a number of scientific institutions, with the system of peer review, and publish the journal PLoS Biology, a short, PLoS Medicine.

PubMed (Medline Free) - Published by National Library of Medicine, BethesdaBanca international biomedical bibliographic data freely available in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, preclinical sciences and health care organization. There are currently about 11 million references from over 4300 journals published in the U.S. and 70 other countries for the years 1964 to the present. Include in a single archive the databases Medline, PreMedline (quotations not yet included in Medline quando il processo di indicizzazione sia in corso) e le citazioni inviate al PubMed direttamente dagli editori. Consente anche di accedere alle basi dati del National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), di consultare la lista delle riviste indicizzate dalle basi di dati afferenti al PubMed, di usufruire di servizi accessori che facilitano la ricerca di informazioni, di ottenere il testo integrale di numerosi articoli e di visualizzare, per le citazioni presenti in PubMed, articoli semanticamente correlati alla citazione originaria. Aggiornamento settimanale. : Edito da CENDIE’ un portale di informazioni tecniche e scientifiche selezionate da un gruppo di 14 U.S. government agencies. It allows querying more 'than 30 scientific databases. The search results may include full-text, bibliographic citations or other materials.

WHOLIS: published by WHO ( World Health Organization) database on public health, including 70,000 and 13,000 links to bibliographic records in full. It contains all publications of the WHO since 1948 and journal articles published by WHO since 1986.

Cold Sore On Top My Nose


14/07/2006 Changes to ID April 15, 2005 - distance learning courses for health professions legislation (83)

22/10 / 2004 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND RESEARCH UNIVERSITY Changes to the regulations concerning the educational autonomy of the universities, approved by the Minister of University and Scientific Research legislation (47)

09 / 07/2004 Mode e contenuti prova di ammissione ai corsi di laurea specialistica delle professioni sanitarie per l'anno accademico 2004/05 normativa (45)

02/07/2003 Determinazione del numero dei posti disponibili per l'accesso ai corsi di laurea delle professioni sanitarie per l'anno accademico 2003/2004 normativa (48)

02/04/2001 Determinazione delle classi delle lauree specialistiche universitarie alle professioni sanitarie normativa (2)

02/04/2001 ALLEGATO 1/S - Classe delle lauree specialistiche nelle scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche normativa (3)

02/04/2001 ANNEX 2 / S - Class of advanced degrees in the health professions rehabilitation legislation (4)

ANNEX 02/04/2001 3 / S - Class of advanced degrees in science Health Professions techniques legislation (5)

02/04/2001 ANNEX 4 / S - Class of advanced degrees in science Health Professions prevention legislation (6)

02/04/2001 Determination of degree classes University Health Professions legislation (7)


0 2/04/2001 CLASSE 2 delle lauree nelle professioni sanitarie della riabilitazione - OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI QUALIFICANTI normativa (9)

02/04/2001 CLASSE 3 delle lauree nelle professioni sanitarie tecniche - OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI QUALIFICANTI normativa (10)


03/11/1999 Circolare concernente la valenza ai fini dell'accesso to public employment university qualifications prescribed in Article 3 of the Regulation on teaching autonomy of universities adopted by decree of November 3, 1999, 509 legislation (13)

11/03/1999 Regulation containing rules the curricular autonomy of universities legislation (18)

24/07/1996 Approval of Table XVIII-B on the university teaching of university degree courses in the health, adjustment in article 9 Law of 19 November 1990, n.341 legislation (51)