Friday, April 25, 2008

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Uno dei vizi italici è dire che il nostro paese è prigioniero o di una dittatura berlusconiana o di una dittatura di magistrati e comunisti. Oggi tocca ad Alemanno sbrodolare (durante Matrix, Canale 5): "Noi we want to leave Rome. "

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

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Sorry, the blog is slow. updated with articles takes time. It takes patience.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Legal Rights Buying Used Car Comments

Courier. "Bosi, marched around election" / 04/corriere-bosi-giro-elettorale-passo-di.html

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Courier. "Auschwitz, away from the TV show"

Children of Florence into the abyss of Auschwitz

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Courier. "Martini," Climate Change, we need to intervene "" The

Region "For any new government 's Arno is a priority. And we ask "

Friday, April 11, 2008

Pitfalls Of Semi Permanent Makeup "Dear Walter I write so I get distracted a little '

Dear Walter, I read the letter you sent to me, to" Dear David "and - I believe - that other guys who are kind to you, but not just for you, ask for an appetizing constituencies where the vote. You say that I found yesterday in the mail in the mailbox, a few hours after the vote:" I I write knowing that perhaps there may be, on your side, a certain distrust of politics. I understand. "Thank you, brother Walter, thanks to you and say that I understand that the Democratic Party wants to" give priority to young Italians (well, Crozza, non-Italian, I hope, that's all this nationalism y -ye?). This, you say, why you need someone who fully understands our 'anxieties, problems and so many hopes. "In short, the PD you want to be our psychologists, our priests, our teachers, our parents, or rather want to be ourselves, our youth - the youth ostentatious is there to prove it, is to show that you will not take off the young, but let off among young people. "Being young in 2008 is not easy" and "it is hard to be young in Italy", write in a blaze of gargling with the word young (more than repeat the loss of meaning, the letters seem disconnected from each other, have you noticed? ). In Italy there are many difficult things, and I will not be persuaded by a letter that seems intended (d) Santa Claus ("We want war, poverty and hunger give way to peace and dialogue among peoples and religions "). But you want to change direction, you stop looking back, you want to change Italy, and I get a vote, ask the rest of us teens and twenties the vote to build an Italy more "young and modern, quieter, faster and just." You say at the end of a sacred thing, even if you're using, you or care that Hermes Realacci communication party, a cliché in effect undone: ours is a country where " twenty years have seen seems to be a limit. "Young people will also be for you first, but the letter arrived at the last minute, out of time, and will not want to convince someone who does not want to share anything with Beppe Grillo but can not make it more turarsi montanellianamente nose. To vote this time because I turarmi the nose, close your eyes, shut my mouth and put on a pair of rubber gloves.

David Allegranti - 10/04/2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

How Much Does It Cost To Play At Amf Bowling

Courier. Agriculture and economy, Verdini studied by the minister "

This election strengthens the hypothesis of a department for the Tuscan leaders if they win the PDL

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Courier. "Aeronautics, a ceremony with his eyes" Remember kid

Piazzale Michelangelo at the end of the performance drivers of the Tricolour Arrows

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Go Diego Go En Español Blog Spot

Where were you in 1994, when the first Berlusconi government? Asks Luca Sofri on Wittgenstein. So then: in 1994 I was ten years old, struggled with a severe food allergy that doctors were unaware of the causes and planned to become a great scientist. Berlusconi still I did not care / concern. Besides, at that time, the adventures of Cav policies. Arcore preferred to those of television of the legendary Knights of the Zodiac.

Sample Church Contribution Letters

Courier. "Tell me that Italian customs and I'll tell you what party you are"

Research Academy of Bran studying the language of political campaigns for policies