Thursday, October 28, 2010

Restlessness On The Job

... because I'm worth! Meet me

I colleghi del Galilei hanno organizzato un incontro 
per fare il punto della situazione e per valutare le possibili prossime mosse.
I invited all the teachers concerned.

see you Wednesday, October 27, at 14:30
gray room in high school Galilei,

Via Bolognini, Trento

Friday, October 22, 2010

Do Japanese Women Get Brazilian Wax

The way in which ' innovative initiative was imposed on all schools, even before its contents, was an explicit attack on the dignity of professional teachers, who - in the overwhelming majority - had expressed negatively, by voting for the hours of 60 or refusing to pass a false choice.
The agreement PAT signed with the trade unions (CGIL and CISL) - on procedures for recovery of 70 hours resulting from the hourly periods from 50 minutes - is a further sign of the explicit desire to take advantage of our availability.
The deafening silence of Trade Unions before the proposal of the States General to monitor a referendum correspondence between their choice and the willingness of workers shows no further room for doubt that the real split between the school and the school represented by the institutions shall be final and irremediable .
Una possibilità l'hanno individuata i colleghi del Galilei, che si sono impegnati a non organizzare - per quest'anno - viaggi d'istruzione con pernottamento o iniziative che superino i tetti orari che ci vengono riconosciuti.
Infatti, a fronte di un pignolo conteggio dei minuti di recupero svolto in attività didattiche o simili, l'accordo OO.SS.-PAT prevede di riconoscere forfettariamente solo fino a un massimo di 4 ore al giorno per i viaggi di istruzione (art. 2 comma 2). Una proposta effettivamente inaccettabile.

L'iniziativa ha subito raccolto accession of many teachers of Galileo and has rapidly expanded to other schools: Da Vinci, Curie, Russell, Pilati, Guetti ... and we hope to involve all schools in the province.
Spread the initiative in your schools by raising awareness among colleagues, talk in class councils, when programming and request to include reading a document on the agenda of the next college teachers. Collect as many accessions as possible. Keep us informed.

Here you can find the document drawn up at the Galilei
, to use or modify as needed.
(https: / / / document / edit? Id = 1V8FqR5g9i0ZnjSYCMSNW9G-9ky9uXaxKwWkieTY15Os & hl = en & authkey CLPZ8YcD =)

Here we have prepared a slimmed-down version
, to be read to colleagues as lazy.
(https: / / / document / edit? Id = 1l0-YJ3YMSnSBDPmoEJ_nBgRnE5_vLWo4Ms12KO0bBJU & hl = en & authkey = CMLj998P)

keep us informed.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What Does A Ladies Period Look Like?

dignity is a shared

Friday, October 1, 2010

Oklahoma Texas Car Shows

the Adige, September 30, 2010