Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cost Of Butal-apap-caf

Tipi di Virus

Since I realized that I never wrote what types of viruses now here to you all types of viruses:

polymorphic virus
a virus, usually, is encrypted, leaving only light in the decryption routine. A polymorphic virus changes the code of the decryption routine for each new infection (obviously leaving unchanged the algorithm) by means of inserting junk code, permutation code, etc ...

metamorphic virus-like polymorphic virus, however, is capable of completely changing their code, is more powerful than polymorphic viruses as some anti-virus software can recognize a virus from the code during execution. Also sometimes employ advanced masking techniques based on the division del proprio codice e successivo inserimento delle parti all'interno di diversi punti del file infetto (i virus convenzionali inseriscono il codice integralmente in fondo al file cambiando l'entry point per far eseguire per primo il codice maligno), lasciando inoltre invariato l'entry point per rendere ancora più difficile la vita agli antivirus. C'è da dire anche che la criptazione dei virus metamorfici non è necessaria.
exe virus
virus che infettano i file eseguibili.EXE.
com virus
virus che infettano i file di comando.COM (ormai rari).
companion virus
virus che sfruttano la caratteristica dei sistemi ms-dos che consiste nell'eseguire prima un file di comando.COM e poi un eseguibile.EXE in caso abbiano lo stesso nome di file (es. tra PROGRAM.EXE e PROGRAM.COM se si avvia PROGRAM senza specificarne l'estensione verrà prima lanciato PROGRAM.COM), in questo modo i virus creano dei "gemelli" (companion) che sono copie del virus stesso che, dopo essere stati eseguiti, lanciano il relativo.EXE mascherandosi (ormai rari).
virus di boot
un tipo di virus ormai poco diffuso, che infetta il boot sector dei dischi (floppy disk o hard disk) invece che i singoli file.
può essere contenuto generalmente in un documento di Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel o Microsoft PowerPoint e consiste in una macro; può diffondersi a tutti i documenti che open with that particular application. This type of virus can be transmitted from one platform to another, limited to those running on MS Office, owing to the exchange of files.
virus that lurks in the antivirus programs and puts them out of order. The name is derived from biological retrovirus, which can attack the immune system (such as, for example, HIV).

-platform virus, there have been various attempts to create viruses that infect multiple operating systems running under the same hardware architecture and the same processor, but the failures are detected or had very limited success. An example is the virus Winux [1], which in theory can infect both Microsoft operating systems that those unix-like (eg GNU / Linux) rotating in x86 CPUs. In general, these types of multi-platform virus can be difficult to put on a Unix-like: the spread usually occurs only if the user performs a mail attachment, which is already perceived as quite remote, and because an attachment, you just saved can not be executed unless the execute permissions are assigned, then you can discard the extent that performance is accidental, in other cases even be the root user to run the attachment, even more impossible for those who knows how to operate a system of this type. The success of this type of virus is confined to the front Microsoft operating systems, instead it is almost always possible to run an attachment, even by mistake.
In parlole few jokes are commonly called fake computer virus

Trojan or Trojan Horse "are generally malicious software (malware) hidden inside seemingly useful programs, and thus the user is voluntarily . The type of malicious software that will run silently in the enforcement of user file is a virus that can be any type of malware.

Sniffing or "sniff" technology to intercept data in transit on the network and decode them.
technique to take control of a computer by exploiting weaknesses (bugs) of the operating system or other programs that access the Internet. Social engineering

technique study of a target for snatch and lick confidence in contact.

Keylogger software that runs once on a machine stored in a manner transparent to the user pressing any key in its own database. It is usually installed through a virus or backdoor, and is programmed to retransmit the data stored on the network.
or literally "worm" is a special category of malware that can self-replicate. It is similar to a virus, but unlike this does not need to bind to other executables to spread.
Typically a worm modifies the infected computer, so you can run whenever you start the car and remain active until you turn off your computer or it stops the corresponding process. The worm attempts to copy using the Internet in different ways: the mass media are often more than one for the same worm.


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