Sunday, January 30, 2011

Measuirng Spoons Unusual


ringraziamo i tanti che ci hanno già inviato copia dell'impugnativa dei contratti,  e invitiamo chi pensa di unirsi alla nostra azione legale a fare al più presto altrettanto.

Nel frattempo noi ci stiamo lavorando.

Non è ancora chiaro quali saranno i requisiti necessari per ottenere la conversione dei contratti a tempo determinato in contratti a tempo indeterminato e soprattutto non sappiamo ancora quali contromisure ha intenzione di prendere l'amministrazione. Tuttavia, il tempo che abbiamo a disposizione (ricordiamo che bisogna agire entro 270 giorni) ci permetterà di chiarire ogni dubbio.

Nessuno dia perciò per scontato di essere escluso a priori.

Quel che invece è sicuro, è che il riconoscimento degli scatti di anzianità riguarda tutti i precari , anche quelli che hanno appena cominciato: è un diritto di tutti e una volta riconosciuto varrà anche per i contratti futuri. Ricordate però che deve essere rivendicato da ciascuno individualmente. 

Intanto è importante coinvolgere il maggior numero possibile di colleghi: parliamone a scuola e teniamo alta l'attenzione. Se avete dubbi o notizie... teniamoci in contatto.

nz e ag

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Really Cheap Wooden Fingerboards

ready for action?

Docenti precari, pioggia di ricorsi

Dopo le sentenze dei giudici in centinaia chiedono il tempo indeterminato
di Luca Marognoli
TRENTO. Centinaia di raccomandate stanno intasando the mailboxes of the service schools in the province. A precarious send teachers of colleges, which have until today to announce his intention to challenge the fixed-term contracts require their conversion into 'job'. A mirage fueled by the judgments of courts across Italy. According to Genovese Alessandro and Nicola Zuin, founders of the General Assembly of the thirty schools are more than 600 high school teachers going on with fixed-term contracts and who may be interested in a possible appeal. The number is derived from the sum of 383 teachers on the payroll (about 6,999 total) and at least 300 of the 204 chairs that share the "residual" that is assigned by managers. The form for the application was sent to all potential eligible members of the mailing-list of the General Assembly (it was available even in places like trade unions). To prepare it was the lawyer Frank Moser, who explains what are the precedents that have changed in favor of the precarious situation, both from the economic point of view of classification that: "Between 2009 and 2010, many courts have ruled that the non-recognition of seniority for teachers with temporary contracts was unconstitutional and contrary to a European directive. In November, then two judgments of the courts of Rome and Siena have recognized the illegality of contracts repeated endlessly condemning the government hiring for an indefinite period from the beginning of labor relations and compensation for the damage. " Provincial law provides for a maximum of two consecutive renewals (three years of teaching in total), but many cases of "chronic insecurity" that extends beyond the ten years. To encourage everyone to move quickly was the entry into force of the "related work" (Act 183 of 2010), dating back to November 24 last year. "This contract provided that the appeal would go made within 60 days of the expiry of the contract," then by January 23. It is not - make legal information - a real challenge but an act of court, that is, a simple letter with which the person concerned expresses its intention to request the conversion of his contract in perpetuity. Since then the teacher will have other 9 months of precarious time to make the application itself. The hope is that the casual sword of Damocles of Appeal finally push the province to put his hand to the rules.
January 23, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dyshidrotic Eczema And Bipolar

important and urgent

dear precarious
a few weeks we are working with the attorney Frank Moser: this afternoon we had another long meeting on the front of ' appeal of fixed-term contracts . Here's the guide, with explanations and instructions on how to move:
The use of Codacons: Trentino for us teachers is totally useless since it is targeted against the Ministry of Education, while our employer is the PAT.
For us, one possibility is to rely on local unions. With this in mind, however, that unions rely on their trusted lawyers (and this does not work for free).
addition, should not be forgotten that the application must still be individually (in Italy the class action - class action - in essence does not exist)
Another option is to join the initiative of the States General and precarious balance :
We will move as follows:
The appeal (the type specially prepared by the lawyer. Moser is at the bottom) must be completed and shipped as soon as possible: there is enough likely that the deadline of January 22 will be referred to the implementation - and not the shipment - the recommendation: strongly recommend that you should send by registered mail by Wednesday 19 R1 (arriving in one day)
two recommendations should be sent (to the addresses indicated).
A third copy should be preserved.
Remember that this is the only legal challenge : follow the action (time is 270 days).
Therefore, those who think they join us for the use send us an email with the confirmation of shipment and enclose the completed model.
nz and ag

Piazza Dante, 15
38122 TRENTO
Recommended ar
Via Gilli, 3
38121 TRENTO
         Raccomandata a.r. 
Trento, lì 
Subject: appeal pursuant to art. 32 Law 183/2010
Hereby, I, the undersigned, born in the *** ***, res. in ***, *** off, qualified to contest after class ************ **********
circumstances that this Administration has concluded with the following fixed-term contracts:
- from *** to *** at ***
- from *** to *** at ***
states to challenge and appeal, because in violation of law, invalid and / or otherwise invalid for all purposes according to law No. 183/2010, the term applied to and the predicted / contracts and their duration, and the legal resolution already intervened;
immediately offers his job performance, calling for the establishment and / or conversion ratio for an indefinite period, and reconstruction of career and recognition of seniority for all purposes legal and economic factors;
also apply to this act which interrupts the limitation period for any and all effects in relation to economic rights, pay and compensation for damage arising from this appeal;
reserves prosecution as provided by law.
... ... ... ... ...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What Does Each Color Jelly Bracelet Mean

good year!

Happy New Year
at all.

hope it is better.

PS: the group SGST (for those not yet registered, you may have a bona occasion) you find some more detailed consideration.