Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What Is Mucus Like Just Before A Period


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In view of the signing of a definitive agreement between PAT and trade unions on how to use hours of recovery, the General Assembly of the School Trentina consider urgent consultation with the workers of school for this, invite the Trade Unions their representative to promote a referendum, in which teachers can finally express their views and make their voices heard not only on the assumption of agreement, but innovative initiative as a whole.

Further details will be provided during the press conference
the General Assembly to convene tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 29, at 15:00, in Room No. 2 of the Commissions of the Regional Council Building, in Piazza Dante, Trento.

The States-General of the School Trentina

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Doget An Emotion Engine

the word to the workers!

These days, our schools are discussing ways to distribute the forms and hours to be recovered under the ten-minute difference between the contractual hours (18 to 60 minutes) and units per hour "tax" initiative Dalmaso innovative license plate (18 units of 50 minutes).
the avoidance of doubt, since in many cases
are proposed by the leaders 'interpretations' that end up increasing the total amount of hours to recover , we recall that, according to the hypothesis of an agreement signed by CGIL, CISL and Gilda: 4. 6 hours are reserved for programming
5. the remaining 60 hours must be carried out in activities with students
6. these last 60 "hours" are actually intended as "units per hour to 50 minutes"
Especially do not forget that the one signed by the unions (but not all) is just a case of agreement, not an agreement, much less a contract !!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kristal Summers Foolando Con Tres


Trentino, September 10, 2010

That professor, if he met the governor and Alderman Dellai Dalmas, ask them what brought them presumed to pass off as "educational reform" some misera norma che alla fine ha soltanto tagliato ore e cattedre e che non ha minimamente scalfito l’impianto vecchio e vetusto della scuola. Chiederebbe loro, inoltre, se si sentono orgogliosi di essere complici di una scuola che assomiglia sempre più ad centro di rieducazione, dove ci si stringe quasi in trenta in una classe e dove è difficile lavorare sulla qualità, perché per farlo bisognerebbe spendere e non tagliare sul personale.
Quel professore, se incontrasse i rappresentanti sindacali, chiederebbe loro perché abbiano abbandonato i precari al loro destino e perché non si siano mai impegnati per costruire un sistema che privilegi il merito, invece della piatta anzianità.

Quel professore, se incontrasse the role of their colleagues, ask them what to take them as greedy jackals, to accept loads of times higher than normal, the disadvantage of unstable employment, and then cry crocodile tears and shake the hands of circumstance.
That professor, if he met some fellow insecure, ask them why they lend themselves to pay for courses farce of (alleged) update, just to get some more points in the ranking order and who to hell, ethically, does not agree to buy titles.
That professor, if he met the parents of the students, ask them why not do a conscientious objector, refusing to send their children to a school that brings a living, that does not invest in quality (human), but is sadly left to its fate.
That professor, if he met the so-called man on the street, asking him to account for its indifference where teachers are all "fancazzisti" and invites him to think that the damage of a precarious school system at the end he pays them, through his children.
That professor, if he met some young people just graduated and eager to go to university, ask them whether it is worth studying in a country that does not deserve educated people, but only useful idiots.
That professor, if he met his old students, they would not ask any questions. In fact, invites a farne, e tante. Finché qualcuno non risponderà.
Quel professore, come tanti altri, rischia di non poter più svolgere il lavoro per cui si è preparato e nel quale riesce bene, perché, da noi, i meriti non contano e i soldi si investono soltanto nei mattoni degli amici o dei grandi elettori.
Quel professore (che sono io) ha ancora una domanda da rivolgere a tutti: è giusto?
Mattia Maistri

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Installing Ceramic On Aluminum

good thing too I, Professor in the School precarious sad

Conferenza stampa di inizio anno, stamattina in Piazza Dante: l'Assessore Dalmaso snocciola una raffica di dati che illustrano una scuola organizzata, ricca, rinnovata e scintillante. Certo, ammette Dalmaso, i cambiamenti always involve some critical moment, but we believe it and look forward with confidence and enthusiasm. This juice. Seasoned with generous references to excellence, inclusion, the promotion of merit of students and faculty, technological resources, the primacy of Trentino, the clarity of the reformed system, the attention to our children the skills of citizenship, the pact training with their families. And then acting like rain, skills, training, research, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
3.5% average growth in the provincial budget for education in the last 5 years
€ 724 million (17% of the total provincial budget) for the school
60% of classrooms equipped with multimedia whiteboards
70,000 students in 12 classes more than last year

9 new managers (who want to re-call Dellai safeguards to the law!)
96.32% of the workforce law consists of permanent
250 jobs saved from the original 90% Gelmini
exhausted ....
But when the General Assembly recalled that does not add up and that, for example, 5811 7591 Total professors do not make up 96% but 73% ... the President has now blocked the Councillor and did meet the diligent dr. Renna, who explained that these are parameters that must be national and calculate the chairs, not the clips. So we insisted, "are jobs, that workers: people!" But the President was now annoyed: "Are there other questions?"
Sure! A reform challenged by the vast majority of schools, a large slice of civil society, rejected by a significant part of the social partners, a reform made shots at night and I concluded deliberations of the Board, who has never involved the Provincial Council , a reform on which to hang a series of appeals to the TAR, the State Council, the President of the Republic and the European Court of Justice ... such a reform is not a clear sign of political weakness? In fact, a resounding defeat policy. Dellai called this "specious and mounted protests in art." According to him, the council has used the appropriate tools and did a great job and again quality, merit, excellence, education, skills and attention to our kids and quality resources and quality and training etcetera, etcetera, etcetera ...
nz and ag
for those who want to enjoy the video and interventions Dellai Dalmaso:

click here