Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Doget An Emotion Engine

the word to the workers!

These days, our schools are discussing ways to distribute the forms and hours to be recovered under the ten-minute difference between the contractual hours (18 to 60 minutes) and units per hour "tax" initiative Dalmaso innovative license plate (18 units of 50 minutes).
the avoidance of doubt, since in many cases
are proposed by the leaders 'interpretations' that end up increasing the total amount of hours to recover , we recall that, according to the hypothesis of an agreement signed by CGIL, CISL and Gilda: 4. 6 hours are reserved for programming
5. the remaining 60 hours must be carried out in activities with students
6. these last 60 "hours" are actually intended as "units per hour to 50 minutes"
Especially do not forget that the one signed by the unions (but not all) is just a case of agreement, not an agreement, much less a contract !!


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