Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Physicians Formulablush

dear councilor

With Resolution No. 533 of 16 March 2010, the Provincial Government has produced an "innovative initiative" that
determining the average annual hours
  • divided the annual number of hours of lessons in hourly periods of fifty minutes, in order to increase the possibility of distributing the disciplines
  • down the teaching of English and German in the first year of all paths of the second cycle of education
    a common structure in the first two years
  • down times for the three frameworks that provide two to four lessons a week made available to the schools for its characterization
  • All this has been imposed by the Provincial Government,
without any discussion in the Provincial Council,
not at any time without consulting the teachers
  • systematically ignoring dissenting voices have been raised that a number of schools and thirty companies, questioning the form and content of the Innovation.

To this protest,
a school because we want better quality, freer, more democratic, more autonomous. Given that Resolution No. 533 of 16 March 2010 set up the paths of the second cycle education only for the 2010-2011 school year, pending a review of the trial produced and the drafting of a regulation fixing the coordinates of the thirty Reform:

that policy to allow real testing of diverse educational models, restoring those same starting conditions and equipment similar to those resources which alone can allow an accurate assessment risultati.Solo a queste condizioni sarà possibile parlare di “sperimentazione”
  • Che vengano coerentemente promosse, come risorse imprescindibili, l’autonomia delle scuole e la sovranità dei Collegi docenti 
  • Che risulti centrale, nella politica provinciale, la scommessa sulla formazione, in controtendenza rispetto ad una politica di tagliChe si preveda una razionalizzazione delle risorse non creando meccanismi rigidi, ma puntando sulla valorizzazione della qualità e sul riconoscimento della quantità del lavoro garantito dagli insegnanti.  

to defend the quality of school thirty and dignity of our work as teachers we have chosen to commit not to offer advice in this year's class educational trips with overnight stay, but only guided tours and however, initiatives that do not exceed the ceilings times that we are recognized
  • in a situation of cuts which reduce the essential services (eg support for BES) is duty to save what is not essential but would be excellent educational opportunity; Why do teachers "save" already, in spite of themselves, with the lack of salary increases, the blocking of seniority, reduced availability of financial resources to about 600 € in head: we need to give?
  • Why
  • on assisting in their educational trips we can identify the greatest contradiction of an administration that be requested by a party becomes aware until the last minute, the other "rounds" roughly to his advantage .  Nell’art. 2 dell’Accordo tra PAT e Organizzazioni Sindacali si dispone in merito alle modalità di recupero del tempo lavoro; viene precisato che esso dovrà essere realizzato per almeno 70 ore nell’anno scolastico. Si elencano varie possibilità, e tra le altre “l’attività, prestata oltre l’orario di sevizio del docente, di accompagnamento e vigilanza degli studenti in occasione delle iniziative extra e parascolastiche”.  Per i viaggi di istruzione vengono conteggiate only 4 hours a day of recovery, as compared to 24 hours of service: administration on the one hand counts with fussiness accountancy work of teachers weighing it until the second minute when it comes to hours, from 'the other flat rate only counts when it comes to educational trips. We believe it is a severe penalty for teachers, now recognized as a breach indebted to the Administration (with the blackmail that this entails) and then little known in their important (and overexposed) professional fulfillment.
  • Why although this choice may seem detrimental to our students and families to be something unpleasant, we plan to meet the solidarity of parents and students, sensitive and interested in the future of the school thirty.
  • Why
  • this is definitely not the main issue among those linked to the 'innovative initiative, "but we see ourselves in spite of us have to hit where we know we can provoke a reaction the public, while fully respecting our professional duties.

I docenti amano il loro lavoro e non sono soliti sottrarsi alle attese dell’utenza: tuttavia la nuova situazione normativa ha reso le cose talmente penalizzanti per gli insegnanti e così palesemente contrarie ad ogni elementare sentimento di giustizia che non possiamo più tacere e tollerare.

Il viaggio non è un diritto né un obbligo per nessuno, ma un’opportunità didattica proposta al consiglio di classe and managed at every stage by the teachers.

If there is a change of direction by the administration, we will be happy to return to previous practices, eager to further improve the quality of our

attachments: the document signed by the teachers
the full document that explains the reasons for protest


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