Friday, November 19, 2010

What Restaurants Have Rocky Mountain Oysters


Rassegna stampa sulla manifestazione di mercoledì a Trento



the Corriere del Trentino

TCA & id_video = 10316

Global Project
Trento - 1000 students in the square in the International Day for the right to study! have the courage to take a bath of humility and admit that we still have much to learn. This is one of those moments: to let us know so bright were the teachers of kindergartens, capable, in recent days, take to the streets with firmness and determination to shout their anger against cuts in jobs determined by a provincial government increasingly short-sighted and stupid. The unit shown by the teachers put the Town in an uproar, the commissioner has dug out of hibernation Dalmaso which already was being prepared, has forced the unions to make the big voice, he easily attracted the consensus of Public ... in fact opened the space for negotiations.
us? What we do high school teachers? invested, against our will, from that 'innovative initiative "against which, on several occasions, we tried to resist: Letters in newspapers, assemblies, meetings, appeals, collection of signatures ... but what we got in a year of mobilization? What idea of \u200b\u200bour class we have legitimized in the eyes of families and students?
The 'innovative initiative "run at full speed: this is the only, incontestable, bitter truth. An outcome that, perhaps, was not so obvious, even if we had shown only a tenth of compactness and unity displayed by the teachers. What we have shown, however, is our inability to be united in the demand for their most basic rights, our chronic tendency to divide the cry of "every man for himself", our laziness, our disinformation, our tendency to ' self ... our willingness to trample on us, ignoring, excluding, in exchange for convenient and shameful compromises individual ...
A striking example of our weakness is the initiative of "boycott" of the trip: a good idea on paper, but we can not explain its true meaning and distribute extensively even among his colleagues and that, on balance, he ended up back to haunt us. "Even a little work, now no longer even on a trip, paid and repaid, they want to go!": This, finally, is the idea that most of the people has become of us and we have devised a form of protest. And the fault, sorry to admit, it is only ours once again, we proved unable to march together in the same direction, to fight for the same cause, falling into the trap of that ancient, but always present, " Divide et impera. "
Once again, we found inconclusive, imprecise, always ready to delegate. Invisible.
However, perhaps all is not (yet) lost. From here in February to play the future of our school, our jobs, our dignity. The weather there. And we are not alone: \u200b\u200bstudents, university and research world, the movements ... all reality that today, 17 November 2010, agreed to march together to try to change if not the world, at least how to stay there. To try to say NO to the commodification of culture, and insecurity of those who should be put in the best conditions so that it can spread.

Where do we stand? We want to be the game? Allora, per una volta, non sprechiamo quest'ultima occasione: uniamo le nostre forze, facciamo sentire che esistiamo... impariamo dalle maestre!


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