Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Scott Barnes Foundation Brush

The lesson of the common good teachers

(pubblichiamo qui la lettera aperta all'Assessore che abbiamo spedito all'Adige venerdì scorso, ma che l'Adige non ha ritenuto di pubblicare)
Gentile Assessore Dalmaso,

gli Stati Generali della Scuola Trentina hanno aderito all'iniziativa promossa dai colleghi del Galilei e rapidamente diffusasi in molte scuole della nostra provincia, perché è perfettamente in linea con i principi and proposals for months that inspire our efforts to help build a better school.

Reduced in a nutshell, it consists in an attempt to make clear the many contradictions created by his "innovative initiative", relying on one of the most sensitive aspects of the entire system. We are far away from mere wage claims.
Specifically, as you know, educational trips with overnight stays are not any rights for students, much less any obligation for teachers are just one of the possible activities that a class council may consider useful for growth of students. This is spelled out, to clear up any speculation sull'irresponsabilità of teachers and their non-compliance. Always takes advantage, however, the availability of teachers and unconsciousness, to follow a well-established tradition, but increasingly called into question precisely at the level of its educational value as well as economic and social opportunity. If it is true, as you have stated on these pages, that funding for educational trips have not decreased, we ask how much of these funds, used to remunerate the work of the coaches and to cover the risks associated with the great responsibility that they assume. Money is not changed, but everything else has changed: you can not use two weights and two measures. Who makes it a question of money is not the teachers, asking simply and necessarily the recognition of all the work done: it is instead the Administration, with the complicity of the unions, want to count to their advantage the single minute of the performance of teachers , only to round a flat rate of four a day, the hours used to accompany students on trips.
As you readily understood, the initiative of the trip is designed to challenge, from the premises, an "innovative initiative" that the provincial government has sought to impose the thirty school without discussing it in the Provincial Council, without wanting to hear constructive criticism that the school has made, without considering the practical consequences of policy choices that would produce the functioning of our schools.
There is no exploitation of students, on our part. Who's who exploits the boys on one side keeps saying he wants to "put the student at the center, but on the other level down the quality of teaching in exchange for a lower selectivity (read" meritocracy ") of training, major share of funding shifts from public schools to private education, reduce school time and increases the number of students per class, thus facing the problem of insecure, simply by cutting the number of chairs. Who's who exploits the young teachers accused of being concerned only about money, looking for the easy consensus of demagogic vulgata judging teachers privileged, overpaid, lazy, with three months of free vacations and trips.
E 'took was a letter from the student because you just showed your willingness to meet them, while a year that systematically refuses to meet with our teachers, we want to make an appointment?
The States-General of the School Trentina


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