Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Dresden China Figurine


Trentino, March 1, 2011

School: Trent, the teachers rejected the Dalmaso
Documents hard against the commissioner of education teachers colleges:
not enhances teaching and creates chaos

Jacopo Tomasi

TRENTO. The teachers' fail 'Dalmaso reform and challenge the ways in which the education department is checking the' innovative initiative "launched last September. Criticism of teachers colleges are hard to reform. According to the teachers is valued teaching activities and lessons of 50 minutes are creating significant organizational problems. That the reform does not like the teachers Dalmaso Trent, was found. But now, teachers in schools, in addition to challenging the substance of the so-called "innovative initiative" launched by the Province in September, criticizing the method by which the education department is "checking" the implementation of the reform. Instead of involving the teachers, asking for their criticisms and suggestions, some officials of the Province are simply listening to the views of principals and their close associates. A mode that is not at all pleased to teachers in teachers colleges in recent days have made their voices heard. Criticizing this check "non-transparent and undemocratic" and take the opportunity to reject the substance of the reform. The document is harder in high school was voted Russell Cles of February 17 last year.
The teaching staff has held "very negative" that occurs in the reform, "there is no provision in any way the involvement of teachers. This was particularly serious given that the schools had already assessed the entire path of reform rather weak in terms of involvement and democratic participation, the teachers had expected that at least in its review is to find ways to accommodate their views '. I have put Professor a verbale anche alcune critiche relative all'attuazione dell'"iniziativa innovativa". «Le modalità di recupero delle 66 ore hanno portato ad una situazione paradossale, che vede alcuni docenti costretti a impiegare il proprio tempo in attività spesso poco professionali e di scarsa rilevanza didattica, rinunciando ad altre attività collaudate fino all'anno scorso garantite agli studenti». Tradotto: per recuperare le ore (in seguito all'introduzione delle lezioni di 50 minuti) molti insegnanti sono ridotti a dedicarsi alla sorveglianza degli alunni durante la ricreazione, anziché dedicarsi ad altro. Il verbale del Russell, inviato alla Provincia, ha poi sottolineato che la riforma «ha creato uno stato di incertezza, confusione and unequal treatment among the teachers themselves. " It is not known yet, in fact, what will happen if the recovery of the hour is completed. The College of Russell wanted to make some proposal then alderman, but this was not permitted by the director, Franca Zappini. Among the advice was to "reduce by 50% the number of hours devoted to teaching, to reserve a reasonable number of hours the work of preparation and planning." A document similar to that of Russell was voted in the last days of Trent Battisti Technical Institute at a meeting called by trade union CGIL and CISL, and will be submitted to a vote of the Board on March 13 next year. At the high school Da Vinci teachers are organizing to bring documents along the lines of Russell and Baptists. The Pilati Cles Dalmaso alderman will send the minutes which will be discussed in the verification of the Innovation, while in high school Galilei the issue was scheduled on the agenda of the college, but has not been addressed due to time and will be resumed in the coming days. At Maffei Riva del Garda, finally, was prepared a survey of teachers to seek views and opinions to be sent Dalmaso alderman. The discontent of the teachers against the reform is spreading, then, from school to school as pointed out by Nicola Zuin of the General Assembly. "Even in this case the Department has showed little transparency and anti-democratic attitude to anything with a careful dialogue and confrontation. "


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