Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nifedipine Contractions

The difference between concrete and learning occurs

On page 20 of the South today is an article on the special plan for 'school buildings: our criticisms and our anger are opposed to the happiness of the CGIL, as happy for the council to fulfill its commitments.

Here's how the piece we had written us

€ 380 million over seven years for our schools. Better: for school construction. Even better for the building! Here, the true meaning of the special plan launched in recent days by the Provincial Government has made it clear that President Dellai, which emphasizes the effect of "stimulus to the construction companies Trentino." Nothing bad, mind you, is probably duty by a public administration, to intervene in support of an industry in distress. After all you're doing it for agriculture, industry, finance, tourism, so why not do it for the building? Perhaps decades of abnormal spending (procurement for large works, and incentives for private building) who produced a devastating overbuilding of our territory, were not enough to satiate the market players. Perhaps it would be interesting to bet on the names of who will win the contracts that will result from this special plan and perhaps optimistically, hope that will not be the usual. Or maybe it is time to reflect on the prospects of an economy that would not survive without the millions of euro of taxpayers. Perhaps.
But surely we can not accept the rhetoric with which this Government - Assessor Dalmaso primarily - claims to cover teaching and learning finance brick and cement .
In the survey that Legambiente published just in recent weeks ("Ecosystem school 2011. XI Report on the quality of school buildings, facilities and services") to the our province is commendably in the first place in the quality of school related to colleges (the second after Prato, for kindergartens, primary and secondary first degree): a survey that takes into account many factors, from building structures to the services provided by environmental risks are adequate and safe environments, to the average expenditure for routine maintenance and repairs. There then wonder if it is a priority of the provincial education system, this extraordinary plan for school construction? What great pedagogical innovations, and educational reform would introduce the much-discussed Dalmas, so as to require heavy investment to build, demolish, renovate, build, bury and move? With what dignity in the name of crisis, this Government continues to demand sacrifices from students and teachers, and then donate generously to the provincial magnates of the concrete? The number of students per class is growing, making it increasingly difficult to quality education, but allowing a significant staff cuts, more than a quarter of the teachers in our schools has a fixed-term contract to the detriment of continuity teaching, but for the benefit of provincial finances that save on seniority, and the whole "innovative initiative" Councillor Dalmaso, on the other hand, is governed categorical imperative to save on personnel costs, not to mention that the fund school available to managers to fund activities and projects has been steadily declining for years.
While talk of innovation, research and the future, this council binds the feet of our province to cement the past: instead of stimulating the development of a new economic and social model capable of making us safe surfing to the world ahead, is likely to make us drown in the quagmire of the old logic of patronage.
Zuin Nicola and Alessandro Genovese


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