Thursday, March 10, 2011

Where To Find Black And White Wrapping Paper

Planet Manga: Black Butler arrives!

Here is the press appeared on the official website of Planet Manga: Kuroshitsuji (lit. "the black butler"), written and illustrated by Toboso Yana, 16 September 2006 debut in the pages of Monthly Gfantasy, shonen magazine of Square Enix. The manga quickly reach an overwhelming success, also reinforced by the first 24 episodes of the animated series began in October 2008, which followed a second season of 12 episodes in July 2010. Manga awaited and long demanded by our readers, BLACK BUTLER debut on April 28 in all newsagents and comic Italian: Victorian atmosphere, intriguing plot, elements of noir and an original memory Faustian protagonist duo are the winning elements of a successful world!
A story in which an irresistible black humor skillfully blends the drama, in a plot full of exciting twists. Against the backdrop of an England Victorian cleverly reworked, ready to discover the secret that binds Phantomhive Ciel, a boy who is the sole heir of the house of life left in Phantomhive, its perfect, almost unreal, butler Sebastian. Why in questa storia, tutti sono molto più di quello che sembrano. State per scoprire perché!
Dal 28 aprile, ogni mese. Non perdetelo!



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